Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This Is How Much Walking, You Really Need To Lose Weight

One of the easiest and most effective exercises that many people enjoy is walking. Everything depends on your way of walking. The most amazing fact is that you can lose even 20 pounds just by walking, without undergoing diets or going to the gym!
Walking makes your health better and shapes your muscles at the same time, but you are also losing weight! In this article, we've decided to present to you several useful exercises that will improve your walking, but also help you lose more weight!
  • Your weight and the place where you walk are the main things that can contribute towards the number of burned calories. If you are walking with an average speed of 4 miles per hour you will burn around 400 calories in only one hour.
  • This means that instead of walking only 4 miles a day, you can walk 3 more miles and thus burn 300 more calories that day. Choose to walk shorter distances, just as long as you adapt it with your schedule. You can also buy a pedometer! It will definitely help you burn more calories when walking and implementing your everyday plan.
  • Buy a pedometer or a wristband if you want to lower your weight by walking. It will help you monitor your daily exercises. Your chances of achieving your desired results will be increased instantly.
  • The pedometer should stand close to your hip area. It does not weight so much and it also has a lot of advantages. It actually tells you how many steps you take a day.
  • You will know how many more you need for burning extra calories if you know how many miles you are walking in one day. If you want to see progress in the number on the scale you will know if you need to cover the long-distance throughout the day.
  • The number of steps that you need to add to your daily routine is only a matter of mathematical problem if your daily routine consists of 8,000 steps and you still have no change in body weight.
Most people who have decided to take up walking need to have 2000 steps in one mile so that they can burn calories and lose weight. In one mile you can burn 100 calories. The pedometer will check your steps, recording how many calories are burnt or how many miles have been walked that day. You don't need additional working out. You just need some extra steps in your daily routine.
  1. 1 Mile = 2.000 steps and 100 calories burned
  2. Losing 1 Pound of weight weekly = 500 calories daily
  3. 1 Pound – 3.500 calories
  4. You need 10.000 steps on a daily basis so that you can lose 1 pound in a week
  5. You can, in fact, adapt to your walking when you have a busy day but only if 10.000 steps seem way too much.
  6. Start slowly and lose less weight. Then raise the number of steps to 10.000.
Here are some of them:
  • Avoid using the bus, you can walk to your home or work, or you just get off the bus on the halfway of your destination.
  • Don't park your car in the same place where you usually park, move it somewhere far away and do more walking.
  • You can walk to the station and forget about taking a taxi or a bus
  • Do not use the elevator, take the stairs.
  • Walk your children to school.
  • In case you bought a modern pedometer, check the number of pounds you lost or how many calories you have burned.
  • That way you'll have a clear picture of what you have accomplished with your walks.
  • If you are using the same track every day, it will become a very dull routine. Often change the track and your habits.
  • Walk-in different places, parks, neighborhoods, or listen to the music you like; it will motivate you and give you more energy to finish what you already started.
  • The cold weather during the winter must not be an obstacle for you. If you can buy a treadmill you can watch your favorite TV show or movie while exercising.
  • Invite your friends to join you on your walks. They may walk with you once or twice a week, but they will still inspire new things in your daily walking routine.
  • Even if you have a strong will, the same walking routine could be very frustrating and you should avoid doing so.
  • Change your routines and make it as interesting as you can.
  • Many people have less desire for walking because of their habits or routines.
  • Try to focus your eyes 100 feet forward, hold your chin up, squeeze your glutes, and tighten the abdomen in the same position with your spine if you want to walk for exercise.
  • That will certainly give you the most favorable results from walking.
  • Always consult your doctor first, no matter what you decide to start with. He/she should tell you if you are healthy enough to endure this activity.
  • First, start with walking three days a week for 15-20 minutes. Then, raise the walking routine until you walk 30-60 minutes each day of the week step by step.
  • You'll find out that it will help you lose weight without any diet and you'll be very relaxed at the same time!

Attention. How To Stop Fast Heartbeat

Few things are worse (or scarier) than palpitations that come every few seconds and won't seem to go away.  It feels like your heart is about to give up.  
I have often focused on permanent remedies that will remove heart palpitations for good, but there are some temporary techniques/solutions that will hopefully stop or slow them down for a while. (If you want to see a longer list of cures and remedies be sure to check out my post called.
I wish I would have known some of these instant tips and tricks when I first felt my palpitations go out of control.  Some work better than others, but all of them are worth trying (if you are physically able to do so).  
Just remember, only do these if your doctor has said that your heart palpitations are just an annoyance and nothing to worry about.  The last thing you want to do is waste time doing these exercises when you should be going to a hospital.

Techniques to Stop Heart Palpitations Immediately:

  • A cough.  Yep, a plain old cough can supposedly reset the rhythm of your heart.  I have tried this with limited success, but others seem to think it works great.

  • Bear Down.  There is no real polite way to say this, but the whole idea is to clench your stomach muscles to mimic the act of going to the bathroom – pushing out a bowel movement (careful here…you don't want to mess up and do the real thing…).  For some reason, this reroutes the circuits and the palpitations sometimes go away or at least slow down a little.

  • Cold Water.  Splashing cold water on your face or taking a cold shower shocks your body and resets your normal heart rhythm.  I am sure this works for some people, but I hate taking cold showers, so I usually pass on this one unless the palpitations are really bad.

  • Valsalva Maneuver.  A large cause of heart palpitations is the vagus nerve.  So stimulating the vagus nerve, which can affect heart rate, will sometimes stop palpitations and possibly restore your normal heartbeat. To do the Valsalva maneuver you hold your nose and close your mouth while attempting to breathe out with some force (think of blowing up a balloon). Another technique is to make a fist and blow into it like you are blowing up a balloon.  If done correctly, you may experience immediate relief from your palpitations.  This technique is similar to "Bearing Down" mentioned above.

  • Deep Breathing Exercises.  Deep breathing exercises are great for reducing anxiety and can certainly help slow down your heart rate, which can reduce your palpitations.  So do your favorite deep breathing exercise and see if that does the trick.  I really enjoy deep breathing exercises, but when my heart is skipping a whole lot, it is hard to focus on my breathing.

  • Exercise.  I prefer this technique best.  I cannot always exercise when I have a bad run of heart palpitations, especially at night.  But if I have some time in the morning or afternoon, a good cardio workout where I can get my heart rate up for an extended amount of time does wonders to restore my normal heartbeat…at least for a while.

  • Magnesium.  I know I only said six ways, and this is technically not a technique, but I think it is also worth mentioning that many people have found that taking a magnesium supplement has stopped their heart palpitations. Magnesium didn't completely take away my heart palpitations, but I think it helped a lot. And I still take it to help me relax and sleep better. There are a plethora of magnesium supplements to try (and I tried many of them) but the one I like best is this one. It seemed to work fast, it was easy to take and actually tasted pretty good. So I highly recommend it.

Here Are 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Walk Every Day

You have probably heard the saying by Hippocrates "Walking is The Best Medicine". And when you think about it, that short sentence tells you a lot about your health. Walking combined with a healthy diet, and a good night's sleep can help you avoid the doctor altogether.
As little as 15-30 minutes of walking every day can drastically improve not only a person's overall appearance but health as well. Plus, walking is free, easy, and requires little effort.
Here's a list of benefits you can get by walking every day


  • All kinds of physical activity, including the low impact aerobic exercises like walking, rejuvenate the entire body by sending new blood throughout the entire body.
  • That way, you feel better and healthier, and your brain gets enough blood to function properly
  • . It can prevent early dementia, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and improve your mental health.


  • Even though eyes might seem like the last thing to be connected with the legs, walking actually benefits their health too.
  • Walking (and exercise as a whole) may reduce the eye pressure, and thus help to fight glaucoma.


  • Walking is not the same thing as running, however, it is as effective as running when it comes to the prevention of heart problems.
  • It lowers the blood pressure, improves blood circulation, and keeps the blood cholesterol levels within some reasonable limits.


  • Walking is an aerobic exercise that improves oxygen flow in the bloodstream, removes the toxins from your body, and increases the capacity of your lungs.
  • And better breathing is good for your lungs.


  • According to studies, walking turns out to be a much more effective tool in preventing diabetes than running.
  • This research shows that a group of "walkers" demonstrated improvement in glucose tolerance almost 6 times greater (i.e. how well blood sugar is absorbed by cells) than that of a group of "runners," over a 6 month trial period.


  • You don't have to go to the gym every single day to improve your digestion.
  • A 30-minute walk per day will not only help you with your cholesterol, fat loss, and digestion problems but also with the risk of colon cancer.


  • Walking can also help you burn calories, lose fat, and tone your muscles.
  • You can make a difference with 10,000 steps per day, especially if you try the uphill climb.
  • Additionally, it's low impact and there's no recovery time, which means no sore muscles.


  • Our leg joints and muscles are made to be used.
  • And walking will only do good for them. It will improve joint mobility, it will prevent loss of bone mass, and even make them stronger and more resilient to fractures.
  • It is recommended to walk 30 minutes per day every day to reduce pain.


  • Walking is a low-impact activity and it will not hurt your back.
  • It will, in fact, lower the back pain by improving the blood circulation around the spinal structures and making you improve your posture and flexibility.


  • Psychiatrists recommend walking as a good exercise for people with major depressive disorders.
  • Well, if it can help that kind of person, imagine how good it is for people who only need to cope with everyday problems.
  • Everybody feels happy after exercise.


How To Boost Weight Loss Naturally & Safe & Water

We all know that drinking water is essential for our health. although our body is consisting of nearly 70% water we still need to drink fluids to maintain our good health
But according to researches, it was found that drinking plenty of water can help our body to lose extra weight.
It is required to keep our body hydrated because we lose water through breath, perspiration, urine, and bowel movements. Don't forget to drink water and make your body function properly.


  • It increases energy
  • Promotes weight loss
  • It can relieve fatigue
  • Helps to flush out toxins
  • Can improve our skin health
  • It boosts the immune system
  • Maintains regularity
  • Treats headaches
  • It can prevent cramps and sprains
  • Can improve our kidney functions
  • It can even improve our mood


  • Always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go
  • After waking up, start the day with a glass of water
  • Make a habit to drink a glass of water before every meal
  • You can boost your metabolism with drinking ice cold water because your body will burn calories to warm up the water
  • If you get bored with drinking water, try adding some flavors like lemons, limes, or cucumbers
  • Set your goal to drink minimum 8 glasses of water a day
  • You can also drink tea or some lemon juice during the day
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables can also hydrate your body


Here Is How Your Face Can Show You Which Nutrients You Lack

There are cases in which a person is in lack of some essential nutrient for the body, but it's not even aware of that deficiency. In this article, we will teach you how to be aware and learn to recognize the deficiency of nutrients throughout your face.
  • Kind of Nutritional Deficiency: Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin A, D
  • How to Get It: The intake of oily fishes like salmon or sardines will help a lot. Also, you are advised to consume flaxseed, walnuts, carrots, yogurt, cheese, and egg yolks for this purpose.
  • How to Get It: You sure know that some of the greatest sources of iron are spinach, red meat, beans, and fish. This deficiency is not something that you should laugh at since it can cause some major health issues. One of the best sources of iron is red meat, spinach, beans, and fish.
  • Type of Nutritional Deficiency: Zinc, B vitamins, protein
  • How to Get It: If you notice some cracks at the corners of your mouth then you should know that in most of the cases those cracks are a sign of zinc, vitamin B, or protein deficiency. Eating spinach, poultry, milk, rajma, cheese, egg yolk, nuts, and fish will improve your condition and this deficiency will be gone soon.
  • The red scaly rash on your face usually means that you suffer from biotin deficiency
  • . Sometimes this deficiency can be shown through depression and fatigue.
  • You mustn't allow this to happen because it can reflect badly on your skin and hair.
  • Type of Nutritional Deficiency: vitamin B7 (biotin)
  • How to Get It: The thing you should do comes down to an increased intake of chicken meat, potatoes, spinach, fish, and dairy products.
  • Puffy eyes are a symptom of iodine deficiency. If you notice that your facial skin is dry and you have gained weight, then it's time to start consuming foods with iodine.
  • Type of Nutritional Deficiency: Iodine
  • How to Get It: Consume more salt, potatoes, cheese, bananas, and strawberries.


Here Are 8 Healthy & Fast Breakfast Ideas For People & Diabetes

And people with diabetes certainly know that they shouldn't skip breakfast since their blood glucose levels might be low after not eating during the night.
For all people, the right breakfast might offer the much-needed energy to start the day properly. A healthy breakfast might help keep the perfect body weight which is one of the leading factors when it comes to diabetes management.
Below there are a few breakfast ideas that are diabetes-friendly.



  • When you in a hurry, that does not mean that you cannot eat right. In this case, you need to eat fruits and almonds.
  • Consuming almonds actually improves lipid profiles and glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Also according to one study consuming almonds can lead to lower levels of fasting sugar and insulin.
  • You can consume your healthy breakfast even on the run.


  • People with diabetes need to choose a bread wisely.
  • The best thing to do would be to go for whole-wheat bread.
  • This bread contains fiber which slows digestion and that in turn slows sugar release into the bloodstream.
  • On your bread, you can add peanut butter and thin apple slices, or if you want something different you can combine cottage cheese, cucumber, tomato, spinach, or lettuce.


  • For a filling and satisfying breakfast, you can make an omelet with spinach and egg whites.
  • The protein found in the egg whites can keep you satisfied without influencing your blood glucose.
  • In addition, it can slow the absorption of glucose, and this is especially helpful for people with diabetes.
  • All you need is tomatoes, a handful of spinach, 2 eggs whites, and skim milk -around 1 tablespoon. Mix, cook, and enjoy.


  • Another great option for a healthy breakfast is oatmeal.
  • This is a cereal that you can eat a few times per week.
  • The oatmeal contains soluble fiber which slows down the rate at which the body absorbs and breaks down carbs which in turn maintains your blood glucose levels stable.
  • In addition, the oats contain potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate.
  • You should go for the instant, steel-cut and rolled oats. But do not pick the flavored varieties since they might have sugar.
  • Oatmeal is actually easy and fast to prepare.
  • You can cook the oats in low-fat or skim milk and sweeten them with organic honey.
  • In addition, you can add chopped fresh fruit such as strawberries and apples and maybe some nuts.


  • For a healthy breakfast feel free to have one small bowl of plain Greek yogurt with almonds and fruits such as blueberries, pears, and apples.


  • Smoothies are a great option for a meal in a minute.
  • To prepare the right smoothie, you can use plain nonfat yogurt, fat-free milk, almond milk and kale, spinach, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, and apples.
  • Also, you can make a smoothie with chia seeds, flaxseeds, and nuts to increase fiber which will make you feel full.


  • Barley is known to help control blood glucose levels.
  • You can try the following recipe for barley.
  • First, you need to soak one cup of barley in water and let it stay overnight.
  • Then you need to stain it and put it in a saucepan with 2 ½ or 3 cups of water.
  • Let it boil, and cover it with a lid and lower the heat.
  • Leave it to simmer for around 20 minutes or until most of the water has been absorbed and the grains are tender.
  • You can add nuts and organic honey for better taste. You need to eat it when warm.


  • Eggs are an excellent choice for people who have diabetes.
  • This popular breakfast is the best way to begin the day as long as you prepare it right.