- In a larger 100 oz. (3 liters) bowl, add 0.5 pounds of millet, and pour 8 cups (2 liters) of hot water.
- Leave it over the night. During the night your remedy will become a white liquid.
Use and application
Firstly pour the liquid in another bowl. Drink it during the day without limitation, respectively when you wish and how much you wish. Do not dispose of the sediment. You can prepare a healthy mash for breakfast. 1 glass of millet with 100 oz. (3 liters) of water is prepared for 15 minutes. Every evening, you prepare a new mixture for the next day. Repeat the procedure for 10 to 15 days.Results
In the period of 10-15 days, kidney stones will be melted completely. The body will eliminate it throughout the urine while doing detoxification and disposing itself of the sand. The tissues of the kidneys will also be renewed. Read also: The Best 15 Foods & Herbs to Cleanse Your KidneysAnother Tasty Recipe Against Kidney Stones
Millet and Barley Risotto
Whole grains are bonded to the waste material and help their moving faster through the level of sugar in the blood eases the burden to the kidneys and helps in detoxification. Here is the recipe:Vegan Tips:
These food products are quite cheap and available to anyone. The remedies are simple, but most importantly – they are natural. Read also: 18 Home Remedies for Kidney StonesSource:
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